Blockchain Services

حلول وخدمات الامتثال والتحقيق الجنائي

Compliance, Investigation & Market Intelligence Services

We offer Seamless Regulatory Compliance & Monitoring Solutions, Cryptocurrency Investigation & Attribution Tools, Cryptocurrency Market Intelligence Solutions and KYC
الحلول والخدمات الأمنية في البلوكتشين

Blockchain & Cyber Security Services

Expertise in blockchain technology and cybersecurity that offer Smart Contracts Auditing, Blockchain Guardian, Incident Alerts, Penetration Testing
تصميم وتطوير التطبيقات اللامركزية DApps

Blockchain Development Solutions

Tailored blockchain application development for specific business needs including, Smart Contract Development, Custom DApp Development, DApp QA and Testing, and Blockchain Integration
الخدمات الاستشارية

Blockchain Consulting

Expert guidance of Strategic Analysis, PoC Creation, Tech Stack Advice, MVP Development